Use 5 Powerful Soft Skills to Succeed When Working with a Challenging Boss


By Sherri Malouf, CEO of Strategic Soft Skills Institute

Unfortunately, many employees either dislike or hate their jobs, and one of the most common reasons is that they have a challenging boss. Just thinking about a high-stakes salary negotiation, a sensitive year-end performance review, or having to deliver some kind of “bad news” to your boss can raise your stress level. It’s hard to be at your best in those kinds of situations. Fortunately, we have a solution! It will be a lot easier once you’ve crafted your strategic soft skills plan.

Communication is key when dealing with a challenging boss, so you need to prepare accordingly. Get clear in your mind about what’s working or not working, from your perspective, and what you hope or expect to change. Think just as hard about where your boss is coming from. If you don’t know, then plan to ask. Envision a conversation that reaches beyond just getting what you want. Get ready to search for mutually desirable outcomes you and your boss can pursue together. Be clear and concise when you communicate with them and avoid emotional responses. Stick to the facts and keep your emotions in check.

Following are the 5 powerful soft skills that will help you create your strategy!

  1. Active Listening: Practice active listening when your boss speaks to you to show that you are truly interested in their point of view. Listen carefully and try to understand their perspective. Repeat what you have heard to ensure you understood correctly.

  2. Empathy: Try to see the situation from your boss's point of view. Even if you don't agree with them, understanding their perspective can help you communicate with them more effectively.

  3. Flexibility: Be flexible and willing to adapt to your boss's needs, while staying true to your values and principles. 

  4. Emotional Intelligence: Use your emotional intelligence to read your boss's emotions and respond appropriately. If your boss is upset or angry, respond calmly and respectfully.

  5. Conflict Resolution: When conflict arises, approach it in a collaborative and constructive manner. Focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution, rather than winning an argument.

Finally, make sure to take care of yourself. Dealing with a challenging boss can be stressful, so it's important to prioritize self-care. Take breaks, exercise, and engage in activities that help you relax and recharge.


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