By Sherri Malouf, CEO of Strategic Soft Skills Institute

I grew up as a Protestant Christian and my parents made Christmas magical.

If you think about it, even the Christ story is full of magic and miracles. What was that magical Christmas Star? A conjunction of planets? A supernova? God created a star to guide the magi? Was it a flying saucer?

Anyway, as I reflect on my life, I have heartfelt appreciation that my parents gave me a great foundation with magic.

What has magic done for me?

Created a life filled with magical moments. I have always been open to experiences that challenge our senses and prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the real world is a distraction. For example, I was in China visiting the Forbidden Palace and saw a very tall floating Buddha, my two local guides did not see him! I did. I was zapped with one look from this guy and it changed my energy permanently. And no, I wasn’t drinking or smoking anything! LOL!

An optimism that has never been destroyed by the tragedies and trials of normal life. So much loss; people, animals, dreams, but my life was so enriched by their participation in my story and in my life.  This made room for new dreams, people, and animals.

A constant curiosity about what many consider to be abnormal. Communicating with animals, connecting with the root networks of trees as a way of grounding, being open to psychic communication with other people, many things that are not “scientifically” proven excluding quantum physics. Quantum physics has proven that, for the most part, we don’t have a clue about our existence!

I have always been broad in my approach to philosophy and theories about life. I am open to other religions and belief systems as they all have something to teach me. Anything that challenges ANY belief that I have is always welcome. Even if the feedback is hard to hear. I eventually see the wisdom in all messages received.

Generosity in that a part of the magic of Christmas is the giving and receiving of gifts great and small. That we take time out of our busy lives to think about others and give to them and receive from them, in any form, it could be heartfelt hugs!

And the final way that Christmas magic has enriched my life? Perhaps the greatest gift of all is the goal of unconditional acceptance and love of everyone and everything.

Whatever you do during this time, whatever your custom, remember to always go with the magic of love!

Love, Sherri




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